The Annoying Driver

My administrator always gives me a topic they want me to blog about for the week. Sometimes the topics aren’t quite colorful enough. But, finally, a topic that I could blog about until my little fingers go numb…The Annoying Driver. Just this morning, I was driving home from jail (that’s another story…I’ll tell you about…

Driving In Traffic and Passing

Drivers Education 101 says, when driving in traffic and passing other vehicles, always do so on the left…unless you’re in England, in which case you probably would be taking a cab home anyway, or the Tube since you’ve drank yourself silly. And don’t forget to signal before changing lanes to pass that other vehicle, for…

Trusting Other Drivers

  Trusting Other Drivers I don’t know about you, but I have trust issues. And I certainly don’t trust other drivers around me while they are texting, tailgating, road raging, etc. How comfortable do you feel telling the person driving you around that they should not be texting while driving? Especially when they have passengers…