Vehicle Repair Assistance

AirCheck Texas offers car repair assistance if your vehicle is in need of repair to pass the annual emissions test. You may qualify for up to $600 in vehicle repair assistance from the AirCheck Texas Drive a Clean Machine Voucher Program if you meet certain income requirements. In addition, your vehicle must also meet other…

Common Auto Repairs

Nothing’s worse than having expensive auto repairs pop up while you are still making payments on your car. Normal maintenance is expected when your car is new. But, anything from wheel bearings, transmission overhaul and engine replacement can be financially devastating. Like a good relationship that has gone bad. It always starts out with that…

Dating Auto Warranties

Ever shopped around for auto warranties? You really got to do your homework, new car warranties, extended auto warranties, bumper to bumper or powertrain, not to mention third-party warranties. But which one will keep your car on the road without having to eat mac and cheese or Raman Noodles for dinner? I was thinking in…