Vehicle Theft Protection

Vehicle Theft Protection What’s up with those Hide-Lock-Take signs? In this day and age, are people really that daft, that they would leave anything of value “visible” in their car in a parking lot? I suppose the answer is “yes.” Unfortunately, sometimes it’s the entire car that is snatched (one of my favorite films, by…

Sick Driving

The holidays are here! Entire families will be getting together. My parents are preparing their 900 mile journey to my house for Thanksgiving. Now that my parents are both retired, their favorite topic of conversation is their funeral plans. So my sister and I already know what we’re in for. Last year, my Mother cornered…


You see an emergency vehicle on the side of the road with its lights flashing.  Maybe it’s a police officer writing some poor slob a ticket.  Or, perhaps it’s an ambulance, a fire truck, a courtesy car or even a tow truck (in some states, the law also includes tow truck operators and highway workers). …


People love to poke fun at elderly drivers.From their sluggish driving speed to not being able to see over their own dashboard.And, well, both are a bit dangerous if you really think about it. My parents are now about a decade past their prime retirement age. I was telling my sister how I had noticed…


With schools re-opening within the next few weeks…just a friendly reminder…look out! Between school zone laws and passing a school bus with its alternating red lights flashing, you could find yourself facing some stiff penalties once school has started.Remember when you were a kid?Summer’s coming to an end.Your Mother takes you school shopping.How exciting was…

The police are coming to get you!!!

The police pulling people over on simple traffic stops and robbing their money, sounds like something you would hear about in North Korea, Libya or some third world country but it’s not, it’s happening right here in the United States of America!I wish there was a clever little joke I could throw in there or…

Multitasking ourselves to death

A recent survey by National Mutual Insurance showed that nearly 72 % of the drivers say they are multitasking while driving, which included using a cell phone (texting and talking), eating, drinking, reading, and the list of all the other distractions can go on and on. WOW 72 % – Some of you probably think that’s…