Defensive driving is important for those who drive motorcycles. Motorcycles are difficult to see because they are faster, smaller, can change direction quicker and they stop and accelerate quicker than cars. 90% of motorcycle deaths involve other motor vehicles, occur on city and rural roads, and occur when other drivers fail to yield the right of way when turning left in front of an oncoming motorcyclist. Make sure you have the proper safety equipment on your bike like side-frame extensions. That way your legs won’t get caught underneath the motorcycle. Always check your blind spots for motorcycles changing lanes, and give extra room when passing or following a motorcycle, and never tailgate them.
A motorcycle safety tip is to always wear a helmet when riding. You are 40 percent more likely to have a fatal head injury if you don’t wear a helmet.
All material in this video is the Copyright of Comedy Defensive Driving School® and is the Federally Registered Trademark of IDT, Inc. All rights reserved 1989-2018 **This course fulfills the requirements of the Traffic Ticket Dismissal for ALL courts in Texas and for Insurance reduction. This course can also be taken voluntarily to brush up on your driving skills.**