Coping in Traffic

I’m in Chicago for the 4th of July holiday weekend. It’s a crazy week, with so many festivals going on at the same time. Blues Fest, Grateful Dead Show, Taste of Chicago, Cubs game and, of course, the Gay Pride Parade. I’m about 5′ 1″, so festivals are usually not my bag. In a crowd, I am typically at nose-level with everyone’s arm pit. So, the Grateful Dead show I will sum up as a combination of Patchouli and B.O. While the Gay Pride Parade, to my surprise, was like a delightful, clean meadow of fresh-scrubbed, well groomed, gorgeous gay men. With all of these festivities going on all at once, the traffic is insane. So, how do you find yourself coping in traffic?
It’s always good to plan ahead. If you already have a route mapped out, GPS loaded and are not in a rush, even traffic can be a positive adventure (or maybe I was in the hot sun too long, eh?). It is said that most people get in a tizzy because they are running late, in a hurry or just simply impatient. Sometimes, even too rushed to signal before changing lanes. Some drivers say that signaling in rush hour traffic is a guarantee that no one will let you over. But, it’s also a leading cause for road rage. Like cutting in line without first asking permission. Road construction seems to be inevitable, nationwide. Lane reductions due to construction only add to the tension. And, yes, they are doing construction here in good old Illinois as they are in every other state. The difference here is, there is only a small window of time that they can actually work on the roads, since there are only two seasons, Winter and Spring. So, another good idea is to plan your route around construction. Especially with potholes (and they’re like craters here) that can damage your car. Unless it’s a rental, of course. Who cares about rentals?
Well, I need to get back to the festivities. Until next week…
Daun Thompson
Writer / Comedienne / Artist
Coping in Traffic – Comedy Defensive Driving

Daun Thompson: Daun Thompson has spent years acting in both film and theatre which has been paramount in launching her onto the comedy stage (incidentally, without a helmet, resulting in a nasty concussion). Being a funny girl is a full time job. A job that she hopes that one day will come with dental benefits and a 401K. Unlike her work, she is biodegradable, yet flame retardant. And gentle to the touch. Her goal in life??? For strangers to approach her and ask "Didn't you used to be somebody?" In the late 1980's she cut her teeth at the Velveeta Room on 6th Street in Austin, Texas ... the original room with the stripper pole. From there, she moved to northern California and worked with many comedy icons, like Mitch Hedberg, Marc Maron, Colin Quinn, Vic Dunlop, Huck Flyn, Michael Mancini, Doug Ferrari, Shang and Brian Posehn. Daun has been a licensed driver safety instructor and trainer with Comedy Defensive Driving for over 9 years. Her knowledge of driving safety laws keeps her readers informed and engaged with her blog adventures. She still continues to do stand-up comedy, sometimes in a reclining position...just to be different.