How does speed affect braking distances? Well, as you increase the speed at which you impact an object, you will also increase the force of your impact. If you keep the speed of an object constant, and you increase the weight of that object, it will increase the force of any impact. The faster an object is moving, the longer the distance it takes to stop. If a vehicle’s speed doubles, it needs about 4X’s the distance to stop. If a vehicle’s speed triples, it needs up to 9X’s the distance to stop.

Weight works in the same way that speed does in relation to stopping distances. If you increase the weight of an object, you will also need increase the amount distance needed to stop.
Scientist How Speed Effects Impact and Stopping DistancesSpeed:

• Higher speeds and/or higher weight will increase your stopping distances
• Higher speeds and/or higher weight will reduce your control in driving mishaps
• Higher speeds and/or higher weight will increase the force of impact in a collision

Therefore, when you increase the force of impact, you increase the risk of injury and/or death in a crash.

All material in this video is the Copyright of Comedy Defensive Driving School. ® is the Federally Registered Trademark of IDT, Inc. All rights reserved 1989-2018 **This course fulfills the requirements of the Basic Driver Improvement Course (BDI) the Traffic Collision Avoidance Course (TCAC) and Insurance reduction. This course can also be taken voluntarily to brush up on your driving skills.**