Taking Your Defensive Driving Course in Your Own Time

If after making a visit to see the judge in traffic court, he has ordered you to attend a defensive driving course or face losing your license, you may be surprised to find that you have a very limited time to get this done. For those who must work a full time job and more, this can prove to be a major challenge as it can mean trying to find a way to take time you can’t afford away from work.

If you find yourself in this position, you will find that rather than trying to find a way to convince your employer to let you take time off work without pay to attend a defensive driving course, taking the course online and in your own time is a much better option.  There is no need to take time off of work or to travel long distances for a course that fits into your schedule. The Comedy Defensive Driving course fits into your time is easy to use and complete.


Lisa: Lisa has been involved with defensive driving since 1999. She has been active providing important information regarding driving safety and periodic law changes in Texas and the United States. She enjoys driving safely, outdoor activities and hanging with her children.