Texting Yourself To Death

Ever ride in the car with someone and they’re all over the road trying to send or read a text message? Speak up! If a texting driver is making you nervous but you’re not quite sure how to bring the topic up, try these suggestions: If you really don’t feel comfortable telling a driver to…


I learned a new word today, neckbeard. A neckbeard is apparently the result of being too busy to be bothered with grooming. At the cost of razor cartridges, I must admit I have considered the legbeard and even beardpits (sounds like a legendary pirate, doesn’t it?…arrrgh).  But, it’s not a very Disney-esque visual, is it. …

Tips for Highway Driving

Isn’t it nice to have someone out there who cares about you? Who, you ask? Well, there are emergency medical techs, firemen, police and me…just to name a few. And, because I care so much about you, I am going to give you a few tips on how to avoid getting a citation or a…