New Texas Traffic Laws

New Texas Traffic Laws September 1st was a big day for Texas drivers and law enforcement. A few new texas traffic laws went into effect. And, I hate to be a Debby Downer, but, to my chagrin, we still have no hands free state law in Texas. So, another two years of texting, chatting away…

Labor Day Travel

Labor Day Travel Labor Day has a whole new kind of meaning for those of us who have given birth. Why don’t they have a day for us? Oh, that’s right, they do. It’s called Mother’s Day. Or, “CPS Day” for some of us. Here’s a little nugget of knowledge to hang on to. Did…

Energy Efficient Driving

Energy Efficient Driving or aka: Windows Down or Windows Up I had a gig in Corpus Christi and decided to drive there from Dallas. It seemed cheaper than flying and we were trying to economize. Besides, on the map, it was only about three inches, which is apparently equivalent to seven hours (who knew?). That’s…