Auto Insurance For Safety Features

My car is old, but my insurance company still gives me auto insurance discounts for its “three” safety features (the air bags, anti-lock brakes and the anti-theft system).  So, with the latest safety features available now, I’m curious what discounts I would qualify for if I had a newer car. Of course, the real high-dollar…

Zodiac Signs and Driving Habits

A study conducted by car insurance company Privilege shows that your zodiac sign may be attributed to your driving habits. Of course, you can’t blame your speeding ticket on your zodiac sign (nice try, though). Here’s the list they compiled for Zodiac Signs and Driving Habits. See what your zodiac sign says about your bad…

Male v.s. Female Drivers

It has been an ongoing argument since the caveman invented the wheel (or was it Fred Flintstone?) that men are better drivers than women. Or are they? Statistically, more men die in car crashes than women. But, statistically, men drive more than women. My own personal observation regarding male vs female drivers is that men…

Distracted Driving Awareness Month

April is distracted driving awareness month. By now, even your great grandmother knows that distracted driving ranks as one of the highest mortality issues for drivers in America. Drivers spend more than half their time focused on things other than driving. And there are more distractions in the car than ever before, other than the…

Driving Tips for New Drivers

It scares the bajeezus out of me that kids don’t have driver education offered in high school like they did when I was a kid. Driver education is definitely not like it was back in the 70’s. Now, teens are not even required to attend a driving school. They can do a parent taught driver…